Performance Metrics for Classification problems in Machine Learning

Terms associated with Confusion matrix:

Tajveer tyagi
4 min readAug 8, 2021
  • True Positive: Persons predicted as suffering from the disease (or unhealthy) are actually suffering from the disease (unhealthy); In other words, the true positive represents the number of persons who are unhealthy and are predicted as unhealthy.
  • False Negative: Persons who are actually suffering from the disease (or unhealthy) are actually predicted to be not suffering from the disease (healthy). In other words, the false negative represents the number of persons who are unhealthy and got predicted as healthy. Ideally, we would seek the model to have low false negatives as it might prove to be life-threatening or business threatening.

False negative (Type II Error)

  • True Negative: Persons predicted as not suffering from the disease (or healthy) are actually found to be not suffering from the disease (healthy); In other words, the true negative represents the number of persons who are healthy and are predicted as healthy.
  • False Positive: Persons predicted as suffering from the disease (or unhealthy) are actually found to be not suffering from the disease (healthy). In other words, the false positive represents the number of persons who are healthy and got predicted as unhealthy.

False Positive: (Type 1 Error)


From all the classes (positive and negative), how many of them we have predicted correctly.


The below equation can be explained by saying, from all the classes we have predicted as positive, how many are actually positive.


Sensitivity is a measure of the proportion of actual positive cases that got predicted as positive (or true positive). Sensitivity is also termed as Recall. This implies that there will be another proportion of actual positive cases, which would get predicted incorrectly as negative (and, thus, could also be termed as the false negative). This can also be represented in the form of a false negative rate. The sum of sensitivity and false negative rate would be 1. Let’s try and understand this with the model used for predicting whether a person is suffering from the disease. Sensitivity is a measure of the proportion of people suffering from the disease who got predicted correctly as the ones suffering from the disease. In other words, the person who is unhealthy actually got predicted as unhealthy.

The higher value of sensitivity would mean higher value of true positive and lower value of false negative. The lower value of sensitivity would mean lower value of true positive and higher value of false negative. For healthcare and financial domain, models with high sensitivity will be desired.


Specificity is defined as the proportion of actual negatives, which got predicted as the negative (or true negative). This implies that there will be another proportion of actual negative, which got predicted as positive and could be termed as false positives. This proportion could also be called a false positive rate. The sum of specificity and false positive rate would always be 1. Let’s try and understand this with the model used for predicting whether a person is suffering from the disease. Specificity is a measure of the proportion of people not suffering from the disease who got predicted correctly as the ones who are not suffering from the disease. In other words, the person who is healthy actually got predicted as healthy is specificity.

The higher value of specificity would mean higher value of true negative and lower false positive rate. The lower value of specificity would mean lower value of true negative and higher value of false positive.

F1 Score

It is difficult to compare two models with low precision and high recall or vice versa. So to make them comparable, we use F-Score. F-score helps to measure Recall and Precision at the same time. It uses Harmonic Mean in place of Arithmetic Mean by punishing the extreme values more.

o F1 Score= 2x PrecisionxRecall /(Precision+Recall)

What Are the Differences Between Sensitivity and Specificity?

While Sensitivity measure is used to determine the proportion of actual positive cases, which got predicted correctly, Specificity measure is used to determine the proportion of actual negative cases, which got predicted correctly.

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